Monday, June 20, 2016

Listening to the Word of Promise Bible

For the longest time, I have wanted to read through the Bible from the front page to the back page.  I was making very good progress when I took my Bible every week with me to my daughter's dance class practice where I had to wait in the lobby for her.  That was an excellent time for reading and I would always be able to stay awake with the constant noise around me.  Once I stopped taking her to dance class, I lost that time for reading and sadly have not found another good time or location.  With me, reading in a quiet place seems to always put me to sleep and as such I don't usually get the value out of the reading time

I found an alternative solution that may be better for me.  I recently upgraded to a smart phone and found that there are several audio Bibles available through Audible.  In fact, I found one that has been produced with a dramatization which even includes a background sound track.  So, I decided to purchase this one (The Word Of Promise) and listen to it on the way to work.  Maybe this will be a great way for me to actually complete the entire Bible.  I hope it will be something I will listen to multiple times all the way through.

I still want to finish actually reading the Bible but I know how long that will take given my lack of desire for reading.